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I'm really busy - how do I start with the app?

In a perfect world, you'd take a vision-back approach to work out your goals and habits - see our article on that ("Figuring out your goals").

But let's say you urgently have to get a better handle on your current workload first, and you'll commit to doing the vision-back approach at a later time.

What's the best way to take what's got your attention right now, and set up the ExcellGrowth app to work with that?

Quick-start approach

Before immediately tapping in goals and habits to the ExcellGrowth app, it's usually better to start with paper and or post-its (or if you prefer digital, an online whiteboard like Apple's FreeForm). 

Write down the key things that have your greatest attention on "sticky notes" (one per note) and sort into 3 groups:

  1. Goals (clear scope, outcome & duration - ranging from 1 to 6 months, typically 3 months)

  2. Habits (ongoing), especially ones that support the goals. 

  3. Everything else

Then take a break - go out for a walk?

Later, come back to your notes, focusing on goals and habits, and prioritise them into the top 5-10 most important goals and top 5-10 most important habits that are likely to have the greatest impact.

In addition to importance, think about the goals and habits that need the most attention from you to make happen (typically the most difficult ones, usually requiring "hard change" of some kind).

Think also about connections: is there a logical sequence (can't really do one thing until you've completed or mastered something else).

So in summary, your top few goals and habits to go into ExcellGrowth as "Active" should be:

  • High on importance

  • Unlikely to happen automatically without significant attention and focus from you

  • Things you can definitely work on now (aren't dependent on anything else)

When you've done that, you can work on entering your initial set of goals and habits into the ExcellGrowth app. 

We highly recommend starting with a limited number of goals and habits first to get used to the app - max 5 of each, preferably up to 3 of each to begin with. See other resources for help with this. Don't forget to link goals to habits where relevant.

Also, keep your prep work safe, that will come in useful for future goal and habit planning.

Lots of people get stuck at some point with this process, and welcome the help of a coach (especially when it comes to connecting immediate priorities with longer term vision).

If you don't have a coach and need some help, consider getting in touch.

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