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How is the app different?

The ExcellGrowth app helps you focus deeply on the few key things that are most important to drive performance & growth, and brings together the essential elements in a simple, easy to use package. 

It can be simple because it doesn't seek to duplicate the functions of other apps - rather it is best used alongside them. Three of the most important types are task / to-do list apps, calendar apps and journalling apps.

Task / to-do list apps

To-do list apps tend to get used reactively and fill up with all sorts of task items, many of which won't more the needle on your performance.

Using the ExcellGrowth app helps inform your prioritisation of other tasks in these apps so the detail of what you work on is much more closely aligned with the outcomes you are seeking to achieve.

You'll probably find that a to-do app helps you get the nitty gritty detail done while ExcellGrowth helps you track the impact of that on outcomes and performance.

Calendar apps

Similarly, calendar apps tend to get block booked (multiple times over) with meetings that may not be that necessary or important.

The ExcellGrowth app is really helpful to inform time-blocking in your calendar to work on priority goals and habits - getting the "big rocks" in place first. Lower priority meetings or activities can then optionally be scheduled around them (or declined).

In that way, you can increase the chances that you will achieve the outcomes you are most focused on. 

Journalling apps

There are many journalling apps available but most tend to focus on journalling for its own sake (or have focus on lifestyle or mental health).

ExcellGrowth's journal is compact and quick to fill in (typically takes a few minutes) and captures the essentials for performance improvement and growth.

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