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Editing & reviewing a goal

Tap on a goal in the list to edit it.

Broadly, there are 2 main times when you'll be editing a goal:

  • When you're planning it

  • When you're reviewing it (recommended at least weekly)


Goal name & details

Tap the chevron to expand. Give the goal a brief name (keep to 1 line). Expand on the details. You might want to cover why it's important, any key dependencies, what does success look like...

Goal status

It's tempting to make it active straight away, but think carefully. Is this is the most important thing to be working on right now, given the other goals in the list? Are there factors that could inhibit progress right now (e.g. dependencies)?

There are limits on the number of active goals at any one time to maintain focus.

Planned duration

When creating a new goal, default start and completion dates are created (start date is the day the goal was created, completion date is calculated from default goal duration in Settings).

You can override these goal by goal and you can also modify standard goal duration in Settings (default is 3 months).

If you created this as a Pending goal a while ago, you'll definitely need to update the start and completion dates when it moves into Active.

Outcome definition

Here you can specify what complete looks like for the goal when it is 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% complete. This helps with estimating progress within the Weekly Review section.


Here, you're focused on the Weekly Review section of the goal at the bottom of the screen. This has 5 components:

  • % complete

  • Progress notes

  • What's helping

  • What's challenging

  • What to do differently

% complete

At each review, move the slider to the setting that corresponds closest to the % complete for the goal. Here is where the outcome definition you entered earlier is really useful to calibrate. Regularly updating % complete is really important to know if you are on-track or not (it shows up on the charts in the Insights section of the app).

Progress notes

It's useful in each weekly review to make a brief "date-stamped" note on the progress made during the week, covering key things done & achieved.

What's helping / challenging & what to do differently

These are more reflective questions to help capture your learning. They are driving at how to get more of the things that help, and better handle the things that are challenging - usually by doing things differently. In turn, these are usually the drivers of performance improvement and growth.

Some examples of what to do differently for a goal that is off-track (or where there are opportunities for acceleration) could include:

  • Broaden or narrow the scope (maybe breaking down the goal into smaller goals, or integrating overlapping goals into a more streamlined single goal)

  • Reduce or increase the timescale

  • Modify the approach

  • Modify the resources

  • Modify the state (e.g. moving into Pending, or Archived, depending on priority and readiness)

  • Bolster the goal with more supporting habits

So, depending on what happens in the Weekly Review, you are likely to find yourself going back and editing elements of the goal a number of times.

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