We recommend scheduling a regular 30m slot for a weekly review in your calendar (you can also set a reminder in the app settings).
First, make sure that the goals, habits, and journal entries from the past week are updated, including the updated percentage of completion for each goal (it helps to do a 5-10m daily review every day to ensure all the work and insights are logged in the journal).
If you have active obstacles you are working on, it's also helpful to make progress notes on them in the Coaching tab of the app.
Coming back to the Insights tab, examine the "cards" containing the goals, habits and mood charts as outlined below.
Quick recap on colours:
Red: way off track
Amber: somewhat off track
Green: on track
Blue: overachieving
Identify any red or amber goals and focus on them.
For each, appraise the summary on the card:
Has sufficient work taken place on the goal?
Are there sufficient supporting habits?
Are the supporting habits being worked on enough?
Are the supporting habits a good fit with the goal?
Then tap the card and review the goal detail:
Are there challenges that haven't been addressed?
Have the "do differently" points been addressed?
The root causes could include:
Insufficient work on goal and / or supporting habits
Scope too broad
Timescale too ambitious
Sub-optimal approach
Insufficient resources
Hidden dependency
Priority no longer high enough
In which case, the goal can be replanned and time scheduled to work on it in calendar, task list etc.
If there is an underlying obstacle that needs problem solving before clear next steps can be identified with the goal, then this can be generated on the Obstacles section of the app.
Similar to goals, identify any red or amber habits and focus on them.
For each, appraise the summary on the card: has sufficient work taken place on the habit (what is the trend regarding daily completions vs target)?
Then tap the card and review the goal detail:
Are there challenges that haven't been addressed?
Have the "do differently" points been addressed?
The root causes could include:
Target completions unrealistically high
Context sub-optimal
Friction on habit too high
Reward needs tweaking
Scope / scale of habit too optimistic
Approach to habit not working
Triggers not working
Initiating action unfocused / undoable
Lack of time scheduled for habit / prioritisation issues
As with goals, its likely that some form of replanning will be necessary around red or amber habits, or navigating an obstacle will be required.
The mood charts from the Journal can be quite interesting. For stretches of low mood, it's worth looking at the Journal tab of the app, initially in the grid view to spot particular days, then tapping into the detail view to check if there are persistent themes around challenging issues. These often provide more insights on obstacles to be navigated.