The dilemma
The debate rages on: is it better to focus on goals (outcomes) or processes/systems (habits)?
Some argue the pursuit of goals is ultimately meaningless: once achieved, the feeling of accomplishment is fleeting; and then it's on to the next thing.
However, achievement of outcomes seem to be the way the world is wired - your customer or your boss is usually mostly interested in "did you get it done, on time, to spec, on budget?"
Others argue that "the journey is the reward" - for lasting success and happiness, we need to groove-in consistent completion of routines and habits. As Woody Allen said "80% of success is showing up".
Indeed, there is compelling evidence that the compounding efforts of a habit (especially if conducted thoughtfully, like Anders Ericsson's "deliberate practice") can be transformative to performance over time.
So, what do you do?
Well, with ExcellGrowth it's not "either/or" it's "yes, and" - you can have them both! And even better, you can explicitly link habits with goals.
An example
Let's just say you are developing an app.
You'll probably have a sequence of goals along the lines of:
Define the idea (who's it for, what problem does it solve)
Develop sketches of the idea (e.g. app screens)
Test the sketches with potential users
Develop a minimum viable product and test that
Code up v1 and do beta testing
Finalise & submit to App Store(s)
Run launch campaign
You'll also have supporting habits - specific ones like:
Practice coding
Practice digital asset creation
Practice using Generative AI
And probably more general (but still powerful and relevant) "keystone" habits like:
Some of these more general habits could also be linked to enable other goals.
So, when you're tracking progress, and if you have an issue with achieving a goal, looking at how the linked habits are going is a useful line of enquiry.
Achieving a goal or embedding a habit can be "hard change", so don't bite off more than you can chew: we recommend no more than 5 active goals and 5 active habits at a time. When you're done, Archive them and move the next ones up from Pending.